Sunday, November 13, 2011

Henri's Fireworks Show on Oak Bluffs 2011

Waiting for the show to start on Oak Bluffs.
The barge before the fireworks set up on Oak Bluffs

During set up day of the big show
 This year, Henri got to do a huge barge show on Oak Bluffs on Martha's Vinyard!  We couldn't be with him, so we did the next best thing.  We gathered friends and went down to Menhaunt Beach to watch from across the sound!   We had a long fun wait for the show to start.  We watched shooting stars, got an astrology lesson from our super smart friend Amy and got to chat and laugh a lot!   What a fun night we had!!  The first big pink firework that went up that night had Carlie's name written on it by her Dad.  It was a beautiful show and so much fun!   President Obama was visiting the Vinyard that weekend and even HE got to see the show!  How exciting is THAT?!
What a fun night of fireworks, friends and shooting stars!!!

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