Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lots of changes.....

Carlie started school this week, at the child care center where I work...
 It was a very difficult decision to take her out of the child care center that she has been at since she was 1.
  We are good friends of her teacher who also owns the little child care center,I call her Carlie's "Other Mother" and she is beyond patient and kind with every child there.
The last day of school was tearfull, and I am still not completely sure I did the right thing... But money talks and I get a BIG discount at my school, and it is convenient to have her there.
So here we are, and we miss  the one on one small class family that was our old school, but everything takes some getting used to.  So, onward and upward.
  Spring is begining to spring around here, I have tulips and bleeding hearts sprouting out back and  the daffodills have buds on the north side of my house!!  I see crocus in the yard at the end of my street... but I only have about 2 of them left  in my yard thanks to whatever creature likes to eat them. ( I hope they gave him heartburn!)
 The Red Winged Blackbirds are here and I bet there will be Pussy Willows out very soon!! 
I truely love spring and it was my Mothers favorite time of the year, so she will be on my mind alot as the days get greener and warmer.  Mom and I took our springtime drive down Rt. 6A every year to "Ooh" and "Ahh" over the beautiful spring scenery that lines that pretty Cape Cod road... I will miss that this year. Maybe I can find a stand in for Mom... Maybe I'll take Carlie this year and start the tradition early with her, although, I doubt she will be old enough to appreciate it for a long time. *sigh*  Either way, I think I'll go... Even if I go alone.
 I'm getting itchy to get my yard whipped into shape! I have some new landscaping in my back yard that got done late in the fall and still needs a little tweaking, alot of cleanup and I would really like to have a fire pit out back for some twilight marshmallow roasting with the family and maybe some friends too!!! 
OOOOH the big plans of spring.... We shall see.