Wednesday, December 17, 2008


OK, Here's how my Christmas season is going so far this year....
My husband is having a hell of a time finding work, my daughter has had a fever for the last 4 days and has been attatched at my hip, I spent the last half of my 39th birthday in the ER with my Mother who had a bad reaction to some medication she was prescribed and now has spent the last 3 days at my house, halucinating, babbling and uttering nonsense too confused to be home alone. We havent gotten a christmas tree...I have projects I can't even begin and I have no money to do any Christmas shopping...OH and also, I have to work this coming weekend, so there goes any grain of time to do anything anyway!. I think we just need to postpone Christmas this year at our house. I never thought I'd say this, as Christmas is my (usually)FAVORITE time of year but here it goes...BAH HUMBUG!!!! There, I said it...on the record. I can't even listen to Christmas music as it just depresses me. OH did I mention that I got my daughters cold?...ya...that too.
I think I'll just crawl back into bed...wake me when it's spring.

1 comment:

Fooseberry said...

I don't know what to say.
Please let me know if there is anything in the entire world I can do for you.
Carlie doesn't know when Christmas is actually anyway at this point so I think it is perfectly fine for your Christmas to be January 17th if you want.
Take care of yourself as you can't take care of them if you are out of the game.
Love Jennifer